You’re probably wrong

Ever met a know-it-all? I’ll bet some of you, over the holidays, got to interact with one or two family members who just seem to have a tremendous amount of wisdom and knowledge. I mean no matter what the topic of conversation, they not only have an opinion, but they...

Marketing Advice from One Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Happy New Year! I’m becoming convinced that NCIS’s beloved Leroy Jethro Gibbs is one of the most savvy business and negotiation experts in all of modern television. Yes—I know he hasn’t been on the show for many seasons. It’s a travesty. But Tiffany and I are...

Writing is the Skill

If someone were to ask me, “What is the number one thing I can learn to do in business to move the needle?” I would answer, with zero hesitation, writing. To be a business leader today, you must know how to write well. You will improve communication with your clients...

Sagely Wisdom from a Cabinet-Maker-Turned-Web-Designer

Many of you know my mentor, Josh Hall. If you don’t, get familiar with his work. You will learn a lot and enjoy yourself at the same time. Josh recently shared a post on his Facebook page highlighting the commonalities in his students who “never hurt for clients.” Not...

Do You Have to Start a Marketing Agency?

If you read yesterday’s email, you learned of Marketing Marvin and his attempts to get all web designers bought into the idea that becoming a marketing agency is the only way to survive in the future. I called shenanigans on this. But my point in that email was a...

Don’t Be Like Marketing Marvin

All great marketing starts with WHO, not WHAT. If you’re a “what” marketer, you inevitably end up with a solution looking for a problem. I have a few cautionary tales of my own to tell, but since I didn’t plan on writing a novel today, I’ll do you the courtesy of...